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Lynda Kopishke, DL, MSN, RN

Lynda Kopishke, DL, MSN, RN received her diploma in Nursing from St. Francis Hospital School of Nursing in Wilmington, Delaware. After several years of successful practice, Dr. Kopishke attended Wilmington University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Nursing degree. At Widener University School of Law, Dr. Kopishke received her Doctorate of Laws in Health Care Policy.  She has served on various nursing boards at both the local and national levels. Dr. Kopishke’s practice settings include adult and neonatal intensive care, home health nursing, rehabilitation, Legal Nurse Consulting, and infusion therapy. Dr. Kopishke is a sought-after speaker on topics related to nursing practice and has taught nursing at the diploma, bachelor's, and master’s levels. She is a nurse educator, researcher, and strong advocate for nursing practice.

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